Begun as an initiative by the Newburgh Police Department and NYS Division of Criminal Justice to address the high rate of drug crimes in the City of Newburgh. The You-Turn offers participants a chance to make a positive change through participation in community services that enable them to receive rehab, pursue education, and employment, change behaviors and become law abiding citizens with the goal of contributing to the community and building a future for themselves and their families. Modeled after a Boston program known as Operation Ceasefire, the You-Turn program is helping to change the path of men and women headed towards incarceration as a result of drug related crimes. John Jay University professor and founder of the Boston Ceasefire program Dr. David Kennedy frequently refers to the success of the Newburgh You-Turn program during his various address to criminal justice groups and communities.
An initial call for services providers was sent out and Hoops Express, Inc. stepped up to the plate, providing life coaches and other services to participants at risk of incarceration. Partnered with Orange County Department of Social Services, Restorative Management, Rehabilitation and Support Services - Nolly Climes, Pius Service Centers, Newburgh Enlarge School District and Weed and Seed, Hoops Express and the You-Turn program hold participants accountable for their past and present choices. Refereed by the Probation department, local service providers, churches and often their own families, participants must complete treatment programs, actively pursue education and employment opportunities and participate in individual and group life coaching sessions.
With the assistance of Life Coaches and other services, participants create an individual development plan and their progress in monitored in the areas of housing, treatment, medical care, family, education, employment, skills, behavior modification and personal interests. Participants have and are addressing their addiction issues, gone on to get their GED, are attending college, have gotten and maintained Jobs with many Hudson Valley employers, and are finally looking forward to the future.
In addition to the standard services, Hoops Express, Inc and the You-Turn program seek to assist participants in becoming whole people by providing access to activities outside participant’s realm of experiences, including group’s field trips such as a golf outing where participants were exposed to the game and discipline of golf, many for the first time. Many have also been given the opportunity for the first time in their lives to give something back to their community by coaching basketball games for younger Hoops Express participants.
Pictured Above: Charles Kimbrough, Hoops Express Program Supervisor
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