(Newburgh) - Patrons at It’s All Good Restaurant in the City of Newburgh were treated to more than a fine dinning experience. Upon entering the eatery, you immediately knew something special was going on inside.
MC Rel Hola, the nights master of ceremonies, grabbed the microphone, as DJ Big Chris played some intro music, to let those patrons gathered know that they were about to be treated to a talent show sponsored by the City of Newburgh Youth Bureau. Students from the Newburgh Enlarged City School District had auditioned for a chance to appear on the stage at It’s All Good to compete for cash prizes for first, second and third place, and of course, the bragging rights that go along with winning.
With a full house of patrons, workers, fellow students and parents looking on, one can only imagine the amount of courage it takes to get up on that stage and perform.
And perform they did. Local youth showcased their talents, which included song, dance, and spoken word. When all the students had completed performing, it was up to the four judges, Rich Logan, Janette Sanchez-Polk, Craig Altmann and Sarah Espinosa to decide the winners based upon quality, appearance and originality. Before announcing the winners, MC Rel Hola reminded all those that participated, that they were all winners.
The winners of this year’s talent show: Taking home the third place prize of $50 was the band The Munchkin Punchers; The dance group All Star Team took home the second place prize of $75; and twelve-year-old Ayanna Anderson took home the first place prize of $100. Anderson recited an original piece of poetry entitled “Where are you?” while the great Sam Cook’s music was used in the background to underscore her piece about growing up in the inner city.
City of Newburgh Youth Coordinator Joy Pittman said, “We had a wonderful night tonight showcasing the talent of our local youth. Everyone had a great time and we hope to continue this next year at the third annual talent show.”
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