Wednesday, November 22, 2006

School librarian files retaliation claim

Ms. Diane Zimmermann worked for the Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District until last spring. She served as the middle school librarian and much more. She taught computer skills, library science and math. She was a first-line resource for both students and teachers engaged in research projects. She advised the after-school digital camera club and provided oversight in the School Store. She was lauded by one of the District’s principals as “a great teacher.”

During the 2005-2006 school year, a female colleague charged the District’s Dean of Students with sexual harassment. In the course of the District’s purported investigation, Ms. Zimmermann voiced concern that the District was more interested in vilifying her female colleague and exonerating the Dean than it was in conducting a full and fair investigation into the allegations of sexual harassment.
After she made this claim and offered testimony in support of her colleague, Ms. Zimmermann’s world crashed. The District denied her tenure, fired her and, in effect, prohibited her access to health coverage. When the stress caused a rapid deterioration in her health, she was hospitalized with dangerously high blood pressure and other stroke-like symptoms.

On Ms. Zimmermann’s behalf, Attorney Michael H. Sussman, filed a Federal retaliation lawsuit against the District on November 7, 2006. “She is highly ethical, compassionate and hard working,” Sussman said of his client. “The Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District willfully retaliated against her when she refused to remain silent about its treatment of her fellow teacher.
It is unconscionable that a woman who worked so hard for her students would be summarily discharged by the District for taking a principled and circumspect stand. It also violates the law to so retaliate.”

Dr. Philips Arbalino, Superintend- ant of Highland Falls Fort-Montgomery Central School District said “The school feels that it has a very strong case. Ms. Zimmerman was denied tenure for good reason based on administration observation and classroom observation. The school has a right to deny tenure.”

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