Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Did Police execute Antonio Bryant?

(Newburgh) - On October 30, 2006 Antonio Bryant, a Newburgh resident, was shot and killed by Newburgh Police at the corner of Broadway and Dubois Street at approximately 7 pm. Original reports by police alleged that Bryant exited a stopped vehicle that was blocking traffic, in which he was a passenger, and started shooting when the police approached this vehicle.

According to witnesses, the police reports on the sequence of events which led to the killing of Bryant by police are false.

Sources who alleged to have witnessed the incident said that the police were following the vehicle in which Bryant was riding at the time he became a passenger, and when this vehicle stopped on City Terrace and First Street, where Bryant was picked up, it was not blocking traffic as alleged, although the police stopped in back of them and waited for Bryant to enter the vehicle. When the vehicle in which Bryant was a passenger continued on City Terrace, the police continued on the same path. When they made turns onto Lutheran Street, the police also turned and continued to follow them. As they drove onto Vaness and parked in a valid parking space, this same police car parked in back of them and put on their bright lights and flashing lights. Witnesses said that when Bryant got out of the car, he was then told by one of the cops, “sir get back in the car”, it was alleged by witnesses that Bryant started running and this cop started a foot chase and not as originally reported, no shots were fired, neither did they see Bryant with a gun nor did the cop chasing him draw his weapon. Witnesses further alleged that when Bryant reached Broadway several cops joined in the chasing, as if they were there waiting for him and at one point he screamed out “I’ve been hit (shot)”, and could have easily been apprehended “without a final shot to the back of the head.” It was alleged that three bullets hit Bryant. One Entered from the back of his arm, one entered from the back of his shoulder, and one that entered the back of his head and exited in front between his eyes.

Omari Shakur, Bryant’s father, said that his son was “executed by police” because of his strong opposition to the appointment of Newburgh Police Chief Eric Paolilli “he got away with murder when he struck and killed a black man, about 15 years ago, with his car while driving in excess speed of 70 mph near the intersection of Broadway and Dubois Street the site where my son Antonio was killed by police.”

Funeral Services were held for Bryant on Saturday November 4, 2006 at the House of Refuge Church of God in Christ on Broadway in Newburgh, hosted by Pastor Woody and funeral service by Rhodes Funeral Homes.

Lillie Howared said that her grandson, Bryant, was born to die this way, to bring change in Newburgh. She continued “I want everyone in here to know that this life will not have been in vain.” “ I hate to say that it had to be one of mine to cause the change to come, but it will be a good change, when we people, black, white, and latino, can hold hands and walk together.” Omari Shakur, said that after Bryant was released from prison in July for manslaughter, he constantly showed remorse for taken a life and he was trying very hard to turn his life around.

Shakur said that he has a big “X” on his back because he has also constantly criticized the City of Newburgh for having nearly an all white police force and that’s why his son is dead. “It’s retaliation against me and my family”.

A prayer vigil was held on the evening of November 6, 2006 at the site where Bryant was killed, led by Shakur where he called for the Chief of Newburgh Police Department resignation. Shakur repeated previous remarks “my son was executed by police”.

There are strong contradictions to claims of witnesses who say that Bryant shot first. Shakur continued, can they explain how all of these wounds are in his back and in the back of his head. Answered he repeated: “Police execution in retaliation”.

Newburgh Police Chief Paolilli would not return calls for comment at press time.

Pictured Above : Lillie Howard, grandmother of Antonio Bryant, and many others gathered for a vigil, Monday night, on the corner of Dubois and Broadway, where Antonio was tragically shot and killed last Tuesday evening by a City of Newburgh Police officer.

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