Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Controversy over police shooting

(Newburgh) - Controversy continues around the death of Antonio Bryant, who was shot and killed by Newburgh Police on October 30, 2006. Omari Shakur, father of Bryant, led a peaceful march to Newburgh City Hall on Monday, November 13, 2006 where he called for Police Chief Eric Poalilli’s resignation during the City Council meeting. About 200 people filled the City Council Chamber calling for the Chief to resign and demanding that the administration stop allowing the bad cops on the police force to terroriz the children and neighborhoods.
Lillie Howard, grandmother of Bryant, said “I am greatly concerned over the searching of our peaceful group before being allowed to enter the Council Chambers the night of November 13, 2006, but when another group with members who are anti-Shakur appeared to a special Council meeting on November 16, 2006 they were not searched.”
It was alleged that a special Council meeting was held for this group after they claimed not to have been allowed to speak on November 13, 2006. Howard continued, “When the Mexicans marched on City Hall promoting immigration back in the summer of 2006, they too were not searched.” Shakur said, “more and more evidence supports my position that my son was executed by the police. We won’t stop until the truth comes out and the cover up ends.”
No one from City Hall was available for comments.
All protesters were scanned by police, at the entrance of the Newburgh City Hall, before they were allowed to enter on November 13, 2006.

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