Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Morgan Freeman biography recently released to readers

By Kathleen Tracy

Morgan Freeman was not a child star. In fact, it wasn't until the late 1985 that, the then-so-year-old actor found stardom. Now, with more than seventy films to his credit, Morgan Freeman is nothing if not a household name.
With just one look at Morgan. Freeman, it is apparent that he has lived a full but sometimes difficult life. This book equally shows the triumphs, struggles, and failures he has overcome so that readers better appreciate his achievements and successes. Through an assortment of personal accounts and entertaining anecdotes, this very private man is brought into the spotlight.
Morgan Freeman also contains detailed accounts of Morgan’s childhood and adolescence growing up in the segregated South and Chicago's notorious South Side, as well as his struggles with alcohol abuse and the unlikely pair who saved him from spiritual suicide. Author Kathleen Tracy includes an examination of his most important films, and goes on to describe how his professional struggles impacted his personal life, his near-decision to quit acting, and his eventual rise to the top of Hollywood's A-list.
Kathleen Tracy has been a journalist for more than 20 years. Her writing has been
featured in such magazines as the Toronto Star’s “Star Week,” Biography Magazine, KidScreen, and TV Times. She is also the author of numerous biographies, including The Boy Who Would Be King, Jerry Seinfeld: The Entire Domain, Don Imus: America’s Cowboy, Ellen Degeneres, and Diana Rigg: The Biography.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Ivy McFadden at 201-944-7600 ext. 16, or via email at, visit, or

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