“Assuring full and fair representation of diverse perspectives in city government has been a goal of mine since becoming Mayor,” Mayor Valentine said. “Also, for City residents working on the Master Plan this past year a review of our governance structure became a top priority.”
The Charter, like the U.S. Constitution, contains the rules and laws which describe how the City functions, organizes itself, and makes the decisions that affect residents’ daily lives.
To be truly successful, the Mayor said the governance review needs to reflect the desires of the entire community. The only way to do that, he said, is to have a committee that represents Newburgh’s diversity.
“I hope we will hear new voices coming forward from the community to serve on this commission,” Mayor Valentine said. To encourage volunteers, two public education sessions will be sponsored by Pattern for Progress to prepare potential commissioners and the general public for the work to be undertaken.
Interested residents have until October 6 to apply for the commission, which will require a commitment of approximately 10-12 hours monthly. Members will be chosen based on:
•First and foremost, a commitment to the goals of the charter review
•Strong interest in local governance and the future of the City of Newburgh.
•Skills and abilities to participate in fact finding, open inquiry and deliberation
•Willingness to work, and make decisions, with people with different opinions
•Newburgh residency.
Candidates - are - strongly encouraged to participate in the public education and information sessions before deciding whether or not to volunteer. The two sessions are scheduled for Thursday September 14 and Wednesday, September 27 from 7-9 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers, 83 Broadway.
To apply for a seat on the City of Newburgh Charter Review Commission, send a letter of interest and resume to: Mayor Nicholas Valentine, City Hall, 83 Broadway, Newburgh NY 12550, attn: Charter Review Commission
Newburgh’s charter review will encompass Articles II - V of the current charter which include items such as the composition of the city council, the powers and duties of the offices of mayor and city manager, to name a few. The City Charter and Commission information and updates can be found on the web at www.cityofnewburgh-ny.com.
Pictured Above Charles Woodward, member of the Sustainable Master Plan committee, describes the connection between the comprehensive Mater Planning process and charter review.
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